Users on r/nostupidquestions posit different theories on the rise of the red-pill ideology



Probably because they are being told how worthless and toxic they are, and everything men do is bad. If one side is telling you how awesome you are, and the other side is going on about how terrible you are. Which side do you go to ?

Genuine question. Who is telling men this? I keep hearing this from red pill sources, but have yet to see this actually happening irl or on left wing media. ETA: not sure how to better word it to express that I am not saying "it doesn't happen" because I don't see it happen as a women. I would really like to understand what men are experiencing.

new to reddit? it's a daily occurrence to insult men on reddit I once read that latin men were sexist and that's why they didn't have a female president... which is false because several Latin American countries have or have had female presidents.

It is an extreme reaction to an equally extreme radical feminism narrative that has an almost official status in many institutions.

What extreme "radical feminism narrative" are you referring to?

You haven't seen the crazy crap extreme feminist have been saying all these years?

I'm a feminist. We want rights. We want to be able to make decisions about our own bodies. We want to feel safe in society without constant fear of being harassed, raped, or killed. When we are assaulted, we want to be believed instead of being gaslit and called liars. Yes, this is all "crazy crap" I guess when you think women are lesser than you and should go back to being property. Which wasn't even that long ago btw.

"we want to be believed" Absolutely no one has the right to be unconditionally believed. If you think that should be a right to declare anything you want the truth then why does that "right" also not extend to men as well, are you wanting women to be superior to men?

I am a 50yo straight white male, with a young family. I have been liberal my entire left. I was even a member of the liberal party of Canada. But I have become conservative over the past 5-7 years because I feel that the Left/Liberals don't represent my core values anymore. My world views align more with the Right/Conservatives. I would say that that I didn't actually become conservative. The Liberals pushed me away. Also, the left have done a great job and telling everyone that white men are the problem. When you hear this over and over again you get disenchanted with the messenger.

Same. The left wing has just gone nuts. It's that simple


If you don’t know by now you’ll never get it. Liberals act like literal fascists these days. Democrats cook racial and gender identity politics right into their messaging. The military and pharmaceutical industrial complexes are aligned with the Democrat party. Liberals are represented and aligned with the likes of Liz and Dick Cheyney. For contrast, people like Elon musk, the man who mainstreamed space exploration and electric vehicles, has been shunned by the left when he should be praised; It just shows the left cares more about political power than issues they claim to care about (like electric cars and space). Democrats are going to lose again in 2028 if they don’t figure this stuff out.

Your delusions aren't as cute as you imagine.

Disagreeing with women/women hood/feminism in any way automatically labels you as an evil misogynist. This is the reason

Well if you disagree in oh I dunno. A way like "your body MY choice ". Yeah, you are a rapy misogynistic piece of shit.

Bro didnt say that though

He said "dissagreeing". The above is disagreement. An extreme example, sure but it is the textbook definition of the misogynistic disagreement women are talking about. I have yet to meet a feminist who calls me "sexist" for simply laying out polite reasons I disagree with their point of view. In fact that type of feminist is a caricature made up by the red pill grifters.

You dont see the irony here? Bro didnt even say a thing and you already pushing him into the misogynistic role.

It's the path of least resistance. You never have to self reflect or work on yourself if you follow a weak ideology of victimhood

So true, right-wingers are the biggest group of crybaby snowflakes in history. Constantly playing victim

I consider myself to be in the center, but this rhetoric is pretty much the reason everybody I know who voted for Trump did so

not all “red pill ideologies” are bad. telling someone to workout, work hard, take responsibility for their actions isn’t bad. Saying you should be able to protect and provide for your family isn’t a bad idea. There’s good and bad to any way of thinking. If you take out the extremist figures it’s really more good than bad. And honestly it’s been so effective because most men these days are pretty lost.

You can have all of these things without 'red pill thinking'. Theres 0 good about that ideology.

Yeah and you can be a nice generous caring person without having religious thinking, but it doesn’t hurt to have it said and reinforced. Just because you see one bad example doesn’t mean you should condemn an entire ideology. If that was the case every religion in the world would be terrible and offer 0 good.

Who are these "extremely misogynistic figures" that young men are now all of a sudden supporting? Can you point to men who hate women? I haven't seen it personally. I don't know a single man who 'hates women". I know some who don't like specific people who happen to women but I don't know, or have honestly ever seen, in person or online, who categorically "hate women". Sounds like nonsense to me to be honest. Social media lore than anything remotely factual. However, it's Reddit so the premise of the question will be lapped up and parroted I am sure.

Found the Tate fan

here is the truth people dont want to face. what is the alternative to the red pill? Even though i disagree with red pill for my own reasons, i must acknowledge there is no other options than the red pill. Its like getting mad because everyone is buying red shirts, when that is the only thing available. mEN Go to the red pill because its the only community attempting to help them. its not like there are other places trying. i disagree with it but i understand, there are no other options. Bad or good people will go to who they think empathizes best with them

Leftism is a viable alternative. It provides a coherent explanation for why non-wealthy men are becoming increasingly poor and lonely, while also providing a viable solution and an involved community to participate in. Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of social media is now owned by far-right techbros that uses invisible algorithms to guide people to lazy bigotry as an easy solution. I am very convinced there would be no widespread incel movement if there was no YouTube/Twitter pipeline feeding it.

if leftism was working for men, im pretty sure they would flocked to it. People do what works or what they think will work

No. Bc it requires honesty and work from mens part. Its a lot easier to get angry and do nothing as red pill contennet suggests. People like easy. Leftism requires men to abandon the patriarchal social hierarchy where white men naturally land on top pf everyone, and to make space for everybody else. That means more competition, and as you see, more men are not choosing college and avoid wanting to compete with women for the same jobs. So they flock to trades or whatever is that has no women in it. Source for the “male flight thing”"

"Bc it requires honesty and work from mens part" That attitude is part of why men from my generation are moving to the right. Some people can only take so many sexist, generalising slaps to the face. "men as rapists", "men are dangerous", "men are lazy", "men are liars". Most men aren't rapists, most men aren't any more dangerous than most women, most men aren't any lazier than most women or more deceitful than most women but none of that seems to matter because of how normalised casual and not-so-casual misandry is in left wing circles