On the Nature of Spren Death…

Contains spoilers from RoW.

In WoR chapter 86 when Syl returns to Kaladin she says “I was only as dead as your oaths”. Previously the storm father said that Kaladin killed Syl. Was she fully dead, existing as a dead-eyes? And when Kaladin revives his oaths, it restores Syl?

Following that line of thought, a bonded spren can be revived if the person they’re bonded to starts following their oaths again. I’m curious if a dead-eyes can be bonded and revived in that way.

A pretty lucid dead-eyes such as Maya might be able to bond again, and be revived? In RoW she seemed like she was getting cognition back and might continue to improve. I don’t believe Adolin will have a bond, I don’t think he fits with any of the orders, but perhaps others could bond and revive shard blades to revive the spren. As Syl said, spren are forces of nature, and you can’t really kill a force of nature!