152 days!

152 days since I last used meth or amphetamine. Ive been using stimulants for around 20 years. The first 6-8 was mostly methylphenidate type prescriptions, used as prescribed, along with caffeine. The last 12-13 years have been mostly HEAVY amphetamine abuse along with some mdma, coke, and meth (especially in the final year). I have now been clean for 152 long days. I never want to go back. I think this may be the longest sober streak off hard stims ive had in over 12 years (havent quit caffeine or nicotine yet, but may soon). Its definitely easier now than the first few months, but shit, some days are still are rough. Energy is still pretty low. Cravings can be rough some days (like today). My dopamine feels quite low still. After such a long period of time, I know the recovery will continue for a while to come. I do feel like im starting to move past the worst of the paws though, and I hope thats actually the case. Ive got a good job and girlfriend (started dating shortly before I finally got sober), and another baby on the way (got a 7 year old already). I somehow never let this destroy my life and I have every reason to stay sober (no matter how much I miss this trash at times). It took more failed attempts to quit than I could have possibly counted, and I cant give up now that Im finally here.

Anyways, I know this has been discussed lots here before but Im curious how long some of yall used, and how long it took to return to "normal" (whatever that ends up being). Wish all of you the best, and for those who are struggling, IT IS POSSIBLE!