What personally helped you the most in restoring mood and fighting off depression/apathy/anhedonia during withdrawal and PAWS?
For me personally is working out and exercises, and cardio a.k.a running jogging walking in general. I used to hit gym daily for one year before abusing meth and really love it, so exercising is a easy thing for me to do even in acute withdrawal.
Usually in day 4-5 when I've slept enough and able to walk out of my bed I'd put on my headphone, play some energetic, sporty edm kind of music and hit the road and run. I love weightlifting much more than cardio, but cardio is by far better than it in improving mood. Like, you wear the headphone and then move your body, the whole world disappear, only you and the upbeat music for hours and hours.
Even in just day 4-5 I would feel like back to normal again. It's just when I remove the headphone and take off the shoes when come home, things look dull again...