I swear, “verified” status is a joke
It almost feels like there’s no consistency on whether a game gets verified, marked as unsupported, or anything else. Ghostwire Tokyo is verified when it can’t even keep a playable fps, while Skul The Hero Slayer works perfectly at 60fps. Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is “playable” and Xenoverse 2 is unsupported, while Xenoverse 2 can’t do online but works perfectly offline out of the box, and Sparking doesn’t work online either but requires editing a config file in desktop mode to make it playable offline. Sonic Adventure 1 is unsupported for some reason, but it runs perfectly with no changes. Come on Steam, make it actually make sense… And these are only some of the ones off the top of my head, but there’s plenty more that make no sense
EDIT: Stop saying to use ProtonDB, that’s not always accurate either