Genuine question regarding votes

Okk sooo a lot of people have stopped voting for some trainees in the top9. However I still feel like Iqiyi will not do something about the issue or completely stop with money votes. Why? Because although the 3 trainees that is not being voted for are popular it doesn't mean that they are the ONLY popular ones and I think there are voters who are paying for other trainees as well so either way they are gettting money which is what Iqiyi wants.

So my concern with this is, wouldn't other fandoms of popular trainees Lowk have an advantage here?? Since some have stopped voting wouldn't some of them have the chance to jump to top9? Idk just genuinely asking bc how will they catch up in votes for the final. Am I the only one who thinks like this rn??😟 I mean this with no harm just genuinely wondering.