
To those of you who don't understand how people could be so mad with Aspyr for messing up on Star Wars Battlefront Collection let me take you to a time I was happy with Aspyr. This, is Star Wars Reoublic Commando for the PS4 originally only available on XBOX and PC. Aspyr did NOT fuck up this game when re-releasing it for the Playstation. This game is a port. I cannot express the amount of times I have played this game for hours on end on Hard difficulty. It was perfect.

It did have multiplayer originally but never made it when Aspyr ported it over but from what I heard, it sucked anyways. I played it offline when I was a kid just roaming through the different maps to see what was available and it was ambitious. If any of you haven't played this game I highly recommend it. Aspyr did an incredible job bringing this port over. Unfortunately the Battlefront collection wasn't given the same love/time needed. Yeah, they're updating it but come on.

Console players are still waiting for the first update and regardless of it being on Sonys part it's taking too long. This all could've been avoided. The future for Battlefront collection is dark as hell because by the time update 2 comes out it will become completely irrelevant and those of us who trusted Aspyr will completely ignore them for failing us. For a time I did believe in them, so if they wanna try anything again, they're gonna need to make some serious changes to how they handle projects.

To those of you who don't understand how people could be so mad with Aspyr for messing up on Star Wars Battlefront Collection let me take you to a time I was happy with Aspyr. This, is Star Wars Reoublic Commando for the PS4 originally only available on XBOX and PC. Aspyr did NOT fuck up this game when re-releasing it for the Playstation. This game is a port. I cannot express the amount of times I have played this game for hours on end on Hard difficulty. It was perfect.

It did have multiplayer originally but never made it when Aspyr ported it over but from what I heard, it sucked anyways. I played it offline when I was a kid just roaming through the different maps to see what was available and it was ambitious. If any of you haven't played this game I highly recommend it. Aspyr did an incredible job bringing this port over. Unfortunately the Battlefront collection wasn't given the same love/time needed. Yeah, they're updating it but come on.

Console players are still waiting for the first update and regardless of it being on Sonys part it's taking too long. This all could've been avoided. The future for Battlefront collection is dark as hell because by the time update 2 comes out it will become completely irrelevant and those of us who trusted Aspyr will completely ignore them for failing us. For a time I did believe in them, so if they wanna try anything again, they're gonna need to make some serious changes to how they handle projects.