Thoughts on recent socal fires

These are thoughts from a 23 year old male.

Guys, seeing all these people suffer and having to evacuate. Makes me wonder , imagine someone recovering from a fusion and having to evacuate last second, you would probably be out of luck. Imagine being in surgery or fresh out of surgery and a hospital has to evacuate….. you can’t save yourself…. imagine having spondy & being in a natural disaster where you need to have a strong body to climb , lift , run , crawl…. we have a smaller survival rate and even become a liability….

I like to think of primitive times …. i would’ve been exiled from the tribe due to being inadequate for survival . all these thoughts make me extremely sad

i will probably never have a family … imagine being a male , yet not strong enough to save your family ……

disability’s or limitations or health issues in general are a constant depression with a million thoughts in a million scenarios ….