Better Spider-Man release (IE. the no takedown camera mod)

This is the initial release of my Better Spider-Man mod.


All features are optional.


Override slowmotion

Allows you to disable slowmotion for specific situations, eg. on takedown cameras, while aiming, while the weapon wheel is open, etc.

Infinite takedowns

Allows you to always perform takedowns.

Disable takedown cameras

Allows you to disable takedown cameras completely, or activate them only on random takedowns, or while holding down the control key.

Improved gadget control

Allows you to select and quick fire gadgets with the number keys.


I originally planned not to include this in the first release, as it's not quite complete, but decided to include it as a beta anyway. Expect crashes!

A custom quip feature that in addition to the quips provided by the Quips Suit Power, also adds a bunch of combat specific quips, eg. when webbing enemies, electrifying enemies, taking down enemies, dodging, etc.

Pressing T will play a context sensitive quip, including the Quips Suit Power quips, while pressing Y will only play the regular Quips Suit Power quips.

Crime control

Allows you to ban crimes you don't like.

No Suit Power cooldown

Allows you to always use your suit power.

Disable HUD

Disables the HUD.

Instant super jump

Allows you to instantly activate super jump, as is possible in Miles Morales when binding it to a shortcut in the menu.


Allows you to disable player damage and/or enemy damage.

Infinite ammo

Ammo is never depleted.


The future

This is just the initial release. Follow me and this post for updates.

Things to come includes: - Improving the quipping feature, and other features in general. - More crime control: Frequency, increased enemy count.. - And more..

Known issues: - Quipping is broken and always plays neutral quips. I'm investigating this right now. - Quipping may crash the game. - Input is accepted while the game is unfocused.

Feel free to post bugs, feedback, criticism, etc. in this post.


Download: <discontinued>