Sooo do the devs have something against Videl?
This update has made Videl one of the worst characters to use * Low Speed, Low Damage, Low Health * Can't Step vanish or dragon lightning strike * Can't even complete the full default standard combo chain * Only 4 Blaststocks. 3 for a nerfed afterimage and 4 for instant sparking mode * Z burst dash nerf puts her at immediate ki disadvantage. Unless you're really good at sidestepping, you're most likely not going to be able to properly put maneuver people in the new meta.
She can fly and shoot ki blasts. So I'm not sure what the decision is to not give her a full kit. YAJIROBE and Roshi can step vanish but Videl can't? Why?
This update has made Videl one of the worst characters to use * Low Speed, Low Damage, Low Health * Can't Step vanish or dragon lightning strike * Can't even complete the full default standard combo chain * Only 4 Blaststocks. 3 for a nerfed afterimage and 4 for instant sparking mode * Z burst dash nerf puts her at immediate ki disadvantage. Unless you're really good at sidestepping, you're most likely not going to be able to properly put maneuver people in the new meta.
She can fly and shoot ki blasts. So I'm not sure what the decision is to not give her a full kit. YAJIROBE and Roshi can step vanish but Videl can't? Why?