An unwanted in-depth review of ONLINE sparking zero from someone who has 150+ hours played and is Z rank.
Just wanted to give my 2 cents on sparking zero, especially since it's been very controversy as of late regarding some of the mechanics and the game overall. As a fellow Z-rank, I feel like I could share my opinion and takes on the CONTROVERSIAL aspects of ONLINE/RANKED PLAY in the game.
- The strong characters are strong
- Now while I understand this complaint among some people, I think people are upset at the wrong thing. While yes obviously someone like vegito isn't going to be on the same level as Roshi, I think more people are upset about the diversity and the reasoning. Think about it, why would I go and play ranked singles, and load up with videl, when all I get matched up against is fusions, mui, and beerus. I feel like more attention and anger should be pointed at the fact that its quite literally unfair, why don't all characters in rank have the same hp? That quite literally doesn't make sense. Its like bringing a knife to a gun party. I vouch for them either increasing the cost of abilities for higher ranked characters, or implementing modes that suit more common and diverse players.
- Game is "way too hard"
- This is just something that I disagree with, this game exposes you for not knowing the ins and outs, defensive mechanics, and how to use your character to its best degree, if you have not put the work in to learn and get better, you will be exposed.
- Auto Sparking/Sparking in general
- Yes yes yes yes, I have a major issue with auto sparking, or at least the fact their is zero drawbacks to it, there is no reason why auto sparking should be so cheap and only cost 3 fucking skill points, are you serious? That is rewarding for the wrong reasons, I already plan on addressing the distribution of skill points in this post, but auto sparking has to be adjusted, especially in singles. Whether they implement some kind of ki draining and ki shortage after you go into sparking mode once, or their is a limit per game, or a time limit until you can go sparking again, or just any change needs to be added. Sparking mode is too beneficial and has no drawbacks, which has to go. Oh and don't try to bring up that "you just lack skill to stop them from auto sparking", please stfu. Not trying to flex but I'm a Z rank with a 70 win percentage, stop it.
- Skill Points
- This ties into my last part, skill points and the distribution of them is just to.....unfair I would say? Why is it that when I put belt to ass to my opponent, and get their health down by 1 bar, that I look up and see I have 1 skill point, and they have......4? How? The game just fucking started less than 25 seconds ago. Why is the person losing be rewarded for getting their ass whooped?? Hello? I can't tell you how many times I beat the brakes off my opponent of rip, just for them to be Z (BUM) Broly main, activate auto sparking after receiving unworthy skill points, and chuck an UNBLOCKABLE ULTIMATE, because they just dashed at me and just yeeted an ultimate that they did not set up or time, just chucked it like a Michael Vick Hail Mary on 4th and 50. BUT gets worse, after what I just said happens...guess what?? THEY DO IT AGAIN RINSE AND REPEAT! How undeserving it is to be able to not even land a single punch all game, but have the ability to activate auto sparking mode BACK TO BACK, YEET THE ULTIMATE, AND THEY WIN. IM LOOKING AT YOU PEOPLE WHO MAIN SUPER AND Z BROLY, BEERUS AND KEFLA.
- Make all ultimates blockable or unblockable, not 50/50
- Ever find It ironic that the most toxic characters or aspects in every game, are the same ones majority of people want to defend others from ranting on or demanding change. That's because they rely on the BS and need it to save them, this majority of people who are so hell-bent on defending this game, now I'm dam sure not saying this game is ass or garbage, but this game has lots of flaws and aspects that need change, one of them? Why in the hell are some ultimates blockable and some aren't? Did they not think this through? Did they seriously think people wouldnt abuse the OP'ness of that, and throw in the fact that some people with unblockable ultimates also have auto sparking? Kinda shit is that? Once again I'm lookin at you broly and beerus mains.
- Single ranked is toxic and reptitive
- I 1000% agree, my journey from the bottom to Z rank, consisted of the same lineup over and over again, you know which characters I'm referring to, no need for explanation. Single ranked Is honestly so annoying and energy draining that it honestly snatches my will to continue playing, considering DP matches are like 10 minutes long just for the person to quit 9 minutes in, shit is a waste of time, and I don't even get my win. Singles Is really the only way to go to not waste your time, but I mean shit you play the same people over and over again, Jesus Christ give me a break. Ive dam near memorized the entire dialogue of SS4 Gogeta like its my own name, fucker is more present in single ranked than sunlight on a summer day in Florida.
- "Y'all new gens complaining about wanting to change things are going to ruin the game"
- Do me a solid, and shut yo ass up. I am 22 years old, not old but definitely not new gen. The people who want the game to stay the same, are the same people who are very reliant on the cheese and bs aspects, like the ones I've listed above. Yes, they said the game will be, good, fusions and mui SHOULD be stronger than the regular humans, that's the respectively unbalanced aspect that is fine. But, unbalanced and cheese/bs are two completely different things. Z broly is quite literally the embodiment of everything I find wrong with this game, he is straight bullshit and anybody who uses him wears Fortnite gear to school. That fucker is broken and needs to be nerfed, way more than yajirobe ever did. That mf is invincible to ki blasts, has auto sparking, AND AN UNBLOCKABLE ULTIMATE??? WHAT? THE HELL? At least the likes of SS4 Gogeta has a easy to vanish ultimate, his is pretty trash tbh, but broly? Nah fam, his KI BLAST LITERALLY MAKE YOUR PLAYER FLINCH LIKE YOU GOT AN UPPERCUT FROM JON JONES. THATS ALL Z BROLY PLAYERS DO.
Thank you for reading a Z rank players rant and issues with online play, please leave comments regarding whether or not you agree, disagree, or have other solutions to some of the things I listed above.