Paige's constant self complimenting over Craig's compliments

Last week was when I started to see the writing on the wall between Craig and Paige. For every time he defers to her, or compliments her, she compliments herself. Case in point, the flowers. Craig says something like: I got you flowers. Did I do good? Something people don't know about you is how great you are at doing flowers. "I'm a girl. We do it all." No leaning over for a kiss on the cheek let alone mouth, no, aw, thanks, no, she takes it, runs with it, and claims it and everything else anyone does anywhere, for girls. Who runs the world? Girls. We know that already, but, you are standing in your partner's kitchen who is lovely enough to make you feel like an equal part of it all, and you have to claim it all for yourself.

She goes on to point out that he doesn't do the yardwork himself, she interrupts his convo when he is complimenting her contributions to the landscaping to someone else to compliment herself. She decides he is not to grill. The whole point of his idol, Martha Stewart, is that she did it all, not that she ordered in. Does this rub anyone else wrong?