Two cards I would delete from each theme

Let’s be honest. There are BS cards in each theme. Here are two I’d remove from each and why:

Superheroes: - Mint Berry Crunch: Overpowered for his cost and his charged power means you basically have to have a remove spell. - Member Berries: Any card that can spawn cows or MBP while costing less than those cards is unfair.

Adventure: - Ned and Jimbo: Jimbo is a ranged tank that can make other ranged characters rapidly overpowered and Ned can heal Jimbo at range. The feedback loop from this is unbalanced.

Sci Fi: - Cyborg Tower: Enough said. - Sizzler Stuart: His war cry freeze lasts too long and is too wide and can allow him to gain attack speed very quickly, making him overly difficult to take out.

Mystical: - Friar Jimmy: At higher levels his healing is just too strong relative to his cost and rarity. - Combustion: Too strong of a remove spell.

Fantasy: - Elf Kyle: He can make the whole field invincible from any point on it. Way unbalanced. - Castle Defender: Not quite as bad as cyborg tower, but all towers are unbalanced.

Neutral: - Cows and Scuzzlebutt: two of the most unbalanced cards in the entire game.

Tell me why you disagree.