Should my PHC consider extension?
I am a part of the panhellenic council eboard at my school in the northeast. If I feel like it would be an appropriate idea I would bring it up to the panhellenic advisor before contacting our NPC advisor. I just want to get advice here first because I know it’s a little far fetched.
Our campus has 4 sororities: 3 NPC and 1 local. There hasn’t been a new one in 30 years (that one still exists though.) In the past, there were a few other sororities of various types (NPC, NPHC, and local) that no longer exist on our campus and haven’t in a long time. The local sorority is not interested in affiliating with a national group. When people are only interested in an NPC group, they limit their options even more. Sometimes people drop recruitment if they only get invited back to the local sorority.
All of our chapters are small. None of them have reached over 50 members in several years at this point. Some are more successful than others with recruitment, however, recruitment needs to be a lot better all across the board.
I am aware that extension takes a few years. However, I think that my college panhellenic is in a position where another option needs to start being offered to aide the system. Sometimes PNMs believe that none of our chapters are a good enough fit for them.
I am in one of the NPC groups, and our nationals once had recruitment for a new chapter where they marketed themselves towards those who did not find a home in one of their current chapters. Either this method or forming a colony first would probably work best for our campus.
Additionally, some of the sororities that no longer exist on our campus still have strong alumnae networks.
Thoughts? Obviously this process would take a long time, but I’m curious if my campus should consider starting it.