First of all, u/Apathetica_ and I would like to thank everyone for your overwhelmingly positive response. It's great to see everyone share our excitement for this project!
Today we unmolded the scaled down test version, and while we're quite happy with how it turned out, there's still a few things we need to work on in order to get everything just right.
We also started work on a bigger, more stable mold. We still need to finalize one side and sand those down a little bit (hopefully this also gets rid of the print lines on the final PRODUCT.
Once we've finished printing our full scale PRODUCT, we'll post again. In the meantime we also plan on launching a newsletter with updates for those who are interested.
We've also heard your interest in buying these replica's, we're looking into a way of doing that in a sustainable, appropriate and manageable way that respects SOPHIE's legacy and features a workload that can be taken on by the two of us without having you lovely people wait for too long ;-).
See you in the next update!