Why Civil war/conflict is almost inevitable by 2024-2030

We are on the march to conflict in this country and I do not say this with any joy or enthusiasm. I am a historian/history educator and the signs that we have been seeing in this country ever since the 1980's (yes, this whole shit show can be traced as far back as the "Raegan revolution") and it is only getting worse. On one side, we have the right wing extremists, which continue to grow in numbers, radicalization, and militancy and on the other, we have people on the left who have been brainwashed by the democratic party (At this point, we might as well call them the Republican Lite party, given that the democrats have a majority in the senate and control the white house and yet we still are losing rights and they keep trying to "work" with radical nut jobs) who constantly get fed this disgusting argument that we just got to "vote harder" and remain peaceful...

The main problem guys, based off of historical trends and analysis of conflicts all over the world, is that there is no realistic way to sit everyone down and try to find a reconciliation process that can serve to de-escalate the tensions in this country, so this in turn has made America a ticking time bomb. This is not even about left vs right anymore, this about a government and two political parties that have exploited American sentiments for political points and have opened up a very dangerous Pandora's box. The right feels that the left has to get removed or else they face an existential threat and anytime a group of people are fighting for something they truly believe is right, it brings about a will power to destroy what they perceive to be evil, while also being gaslighted by confirmation bias via the internet, brainwashing, and paranoia that has been brought about by horrible "leaders".

Lets Look at the case study of the Taliban and how hard the Taliban fought, do you know why they kept fighting for decades, even in the face a superior military? Because they believed in what they fought for, regardless of whether we agree or not, they sure as hell believed in their radical ideology and look how far it took them, they now control Afghanistan. The right in this country can be easily compared to the Taliban and their numbers grow everyday and with every terrorist attack from the right, this will lead to more inspired members to go and do the same thing. On the other side, the left has been castrated via brainwashing and the horrible notion of "voting harder" and "peacefully protesting"... We have had our balls clipped and many of us are just now realizing the danger we face, I fear it is too little and too late.

if civil conflict breaks out, I predict it will happen either after the Republicans win the midterms this year or when they win the white house in 2024, 2030 is the latest I predict it will happen.

The only hope we have, is that new radical leaders emerge who can snap both sides of the spectrum to the reality that we are all being exploited by the elite, in order for them to continue doing their disgusting acts in peace, while we, the American people, destroy each other like cannon fodder for this disgusting capitalist society we live in. Sadly, reconciliation has passed and with the passing of peace talks, this march will only lead to one ending and I predict that we have AT LEAST a 50-75% chance of truly seeing the ugly realities of war and insurgency in our lifetimes.

Personally and as a bisexual Afro Hispanic, do not feel safe in this country anymore (things are ok now, but I know where this is going) in the future and I do not want my girlfriend/future wife to have to have her life risked by living here. I wish I could join all of you when this conflict eventually comes, but I have a family and I have given up on this countries future and government. The only way my pessimism would change would be if we did find reconciliation, but this will not happen until the collective tension explodes and is settled the old fashioned way.

Be safe guys, for those who wish to stay, arm yourselves and move to areas that are liberal because when the storm comes, you do not want to be a minority or left winger in areas full of radical right wing Christians. This is NOT an attempt of fear mongering, this is an analysis (which might be wrong and once again, I hope I am) from someone who has studied history for over 10 years, went to college for peace and conflict studies, and has served as an educator in the history department. God bless you all and hold your loved ones close.