The Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad and its inclusion in the Snyderverse...

They need to release Ayer's cut of Suicide Squad. It will complete what is capable of being released for the Snyderverse, which includes Wonder Woman, Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Edition, and Zack Snyder's Justice League.

I want to see the Snyderverse in its entirety as it currently exists, and the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad is the only movie missing from the roster.

The Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad is even more completed than Snyder's Cut of Justice League was at the time before it was completed.

Ayer's Cut would better connect the story to Justice League with Enchantress being in servitude to Steppenwolf and turning people into Parademons, instead of those weird black eye creatures we see in the theatrical cut.

Joker would be more abusive and less romantic toward Harley, like their relationship has typically been portrayed. And Joker would help Enchantress in the final showdown, tying him better into the story than the theatrical cut did.

Plus, Suicide Squad's inclusion in the Snyderverse gives Superman's death more weight. If you just go from BvS to JL, Superman's death is barely a blip in the story. Suicide Squad allows us to see a world without Superman in between the movies where he died and was resurrected.