[Skin Concerns] Did anyone’s PIH ever fade completely?

Hi all, I recently gave myself 3 huge chemical burns on my face and it’s ruining my life. The burns have healed, but they left HUGE HUGE AND DADK pigmentation behind. I can’t look into mirrors without wanting to kill myself and I dread waking up and taking showers. I used to be such a pretty girl and now I feel so ugly. That being said, I went to a dermatologist and she prescribed me tretinoin along with azelaic acid 15 percent. I am also using a vitamin c serum along with the 2 prescriptions. It’s only been a couple of days since I began the treatment, but it’s been about 2 months since I burned myself. I’m slowly losing hope everyday as I hope for my face to somehow miraculously return back to normal. Right now the only change I’m experiencing is peeling from the tret. I know PIH is supposed to completely fade within 3 months to 2 years, but still I feel that my skin will never be how it used to be. Did anyone’s PIH fade completely? If so, how long and how severe was it?