Robyn kicking Maddie's little dog... trigger warning ⚠️

This is beyond disturbing. I am a huge animal lover, and i was so upset seeing this. The family dog, Maddie's specifically I believe - came up to Robyn to greet her and the kids and she kicked the dog away to the point where it looked like the dog went flying back in the air. There is no reason for her to do this - it wasn't a strangers dog or an animal she did not know... this was a friendly dog. I know there are people that hate animals and don't want them around their children, but this isn't a dog she doesn't know or that is a stranger to the family. Her kids were not in danger or threatened. She could have pushed it away or guarded the children if she was worried for some reason or if the kids were scared of animals (idk why), but instead she kicked the dog. I don't see how anyone could justify this. No reason to use that much force or violence. How many other times has she done that - or been rough with animals? Only sick or evil people abuse or hit animals for no reason. I don't know why this was let go or not made a big deal over - maybe TLC thought it would be upsetting or make them look bad... but it was not okay. Something seriously wrong with someone that would do that and in front of your kids to make it seem like an animal is a scary thing and should be pushed away. If your kids are scared show them there is nothing wrong ... pick them up.. or call someone to grab the dog or guard them... no reason to kick it with that much force. The dog never bit anyone or showed violence to the family there was no reason for her to react that way to a dog coming to greet members of the family. Maybe the dog shouldn't have been loose... sure, but that could be discussed and prevented without any abuse ever happening.

(Also I didn't choose the background music.. it is obnoxious and I just screen recorded the post someone made of this - would not have chosen that audio.)