When Robyn DIDN'T Cry

I'm doing a rewatch. You wanna know when Robyn didn't almost cry, fake cry, get close to crying, or get remotely emotional? When they were trying to get the homes in Vegas. She gets told in multiple meetings with lawyers, realtors, and credit repair that she may not qualify. No tears. She discusses taking on debt from her divorce "to keep the peace." The lawyer tells her it's going to be tough to get this handled in the short time needed....No tears. She does a talking head about how she doesn't want her past marriage to stop all the others from buying houses...no tears. The credit counselor tells her she has massive debt, she's been off the radar for years, and has multiple names on her report...no tears. Meri says in a group interview, "Nobody is judging you. We're in this together." Robyn nods and looks relaxed...no tears.

Meanwhile...same episodes...Robyn is bouncing around about starting MSW Closet. She's happy as a clam. They are doing photo shoots and it's like Christmas morning. Janelle is trying to figure out if she can build a smaller house without a dining room and less bedrooms to save money, Christine is worried about being house poor (this is when Kody calls her wanting to see her sick dad a vacation), Meri is crying about being judged for wanting the wetbar....You know who isn't crying? Robyn.

Before they put down earnest money the og3 and Kody are talking about their fears financially. Robyn is silent. No opinion or worries from her end. Kody says they'll take a vote, "Who wants to move forward with building these houses?" Without hesitation, "I do!" Robyn happily exclaims. Janelle looks nauseous but says okay, Christine barely says yes, and Meri is crying but agrees.

Robyn couldn't even fake a tear. She knew the family would figure out how to pay for everything and get her into her big new house. They would also pay for her jewelry dream. Robyn was happier in these episodes than any other. Everyone else was stressing...Not Robyn. Not. One. Fake. Tear.