Silksong release window. (According to the cousin of the wife of the Uber eats deliverer for Team Cherry)

I am the cousin of the wife of the personal Uber eats deliver for Team cherry, and while I can’t say anything definitive (they have rules imposed unfortunately), all signs do indeed point to a 2025 release date. Keep your eyes open for official news coming soon 👀

Edit: To clarify, the delivery guy doesn’t really know the release date. However he is aware that development is pretty much all but over. All the burgers delivered have been eaten (and have been for a very long time to be honest) and there are only minor french fries left is what we know. There SHOULD be news in the upcoming months, and while he’s not even sure the devs themselves know the exact release date, pretty much everyone is confident it’ll be 2025.

Edit (2): Also, to my knowledge, the burgers were NOT cooked until June 2022-2023. It seems there were major oil issues unfinished, and thus the daily dinners were postponed. It seems like all the burgers are gone now, which explains why voice acting is also completely done! As I’ve said, whatever the case, the game is very much at the very end of its development.

Edit (3): To answer a lot of similar comments about authenticity and how I got my role: I am NOT a professional cousin, and my cousin is NOT a professional wife, and her husband is NOT a professional Uber deliverer, he is related to a friend of Ari, which is how he got his role. A lot of others deliverers got their roles through similar positions, but there were a few chefs involved (although now I might be saying too much!)