How the next JJ movie is gonna go
Alright, buckle in. So enough time has passed since the last movie that the audience doesnt question why the cast is old now. Some shit's going down due to The Mysterious Entity and temporal whatever. starfleet is being like Japanese bureaucracy in shin godzilla, not doing shit. Cap'n and the rest of them either got retired, desk jobbed, or forced to take their vacation days as punishment, doesn't matter. either way, starfleet's all "no! you cant help!"
But instead of listening, they somehow steal a mothballed JJ -prise (not THE one, it'll work better if it's a rando) out of the space boneyard where it was gonna be stripped out and used as a target drone for weapons training.
The middle part is basically gonna continue ripping off Voyage Home here and there, but in this timeline we're ignoring the bell riots and their present day is just like it is now. Get some of that fish out of water action as the crew marvels at how stupid the 21st century used to be.
But they're in San Francisco again, so bones gets bitten by a homeless lady on drugs, and he then also begins tripping balls. somewhere along the way they get the thing they need from the past to fix the future and head back to the ship.
they're gonna slingshot forward again but the computer is dicked and she can't do it. until they get the idea to hook bones' mind to the nav computer AND the warp core at the same time, because in his hallucinating state his consciousness is connecting time through they mycelium network! it's not stupid!
so they're doing it and the shits powering up and OH NO IN THE CONFUSION THEY FORGOT SPOCK BACK ON EARTH. can't abort the jump without killing bones, can't turn back, and they only have moments to process what's going to happen before space turns inside-out.
they come out the other side, its surprisingly calm after the time jump, everyone's all wooaahhh fuck
The Mysterious Entity isnt there at all for some reason and Cap'n demands a scan.
Sulu: Sir, these readings can't be correct!
Capn: What is it?
Sulu: It's the Earth...population, 9 billion...all Vulcan
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