Marcus's Plane Part I Rant

  • Lets list what this update offers:
  1. A new Chapter.
  2. A new mechanic "Choose your Path" which doesn't affect the story in any way, shape or form.
  3. Another new mechanic which grants an advantage during a fight to the player depending on their choice.
  4. 2 new Arenas, one of them using an old OST (Bamboo Forest).
  5. A new Legendary Helmet and Armor locked behind a marathon that depends on story missions to complete.
  6. A skin for the Abdicator set.
  7. A Legendary set for the Sabers.
  8. 3 new Boss Fights (Ironclad being the coolest one out of them).

The trailer for this Chapter was a nice change!

No new Weapons

  • No Ninjato.
  • No Knives.

The only things I was looking forward to. I'm kinda disappointed.

No new Shadow Abilites

No Social Features

No Seasonal Adventures

No new Special Movesets

Assuming all these will arrive in the Second or Third part or maybe after but it's a shame NOT ONE came in this update considering it took them 7 months.

  • Their statement:

  • A flaw in their statement:

"It is extremely important to us that these missions are really meaningful for the players and show what challenges the protagonist faces, without reducing the importance of inceasing the item power"

They pretty much did the opposite by restricting impossible fights. If you want to show "What challenges the protagonist faces" they shouldn't have done that. I love playing missions on impossible, it adds that extra layer of challenge that grants satisfaction once completed.

Since it doesn't seem like they're gonna revert that change, there's no point in playing anymore. I've opened hundreds of chests ranging from Rare to Legendary and yet I still don't have enough to continue the story. "Issue is always getting duplicates"

I don't have time to grind events for the next month or so just to reach the required Stability Points only to proceed just once in the story.

"Everyone who is in Marcus's Plane will see marathons where they will be able to get more stability"

  1. Hopefully these marathons aren't only a bunch of 150 points, increasing the amount of points would be great.
  2. Lowering the required Stability Points would also make it better.

  • Marcus's Plane and Northern Marathons:

Impossible to complete since they both rely on story missions. Since im way behind on stability points, I won't be able to complete them on time. I was lucky enough to get the Legendary Helmet but it won't be the same for the Legendary Armor.

Stability Points:

  1. Worse than June and Itu planes.
  2. A huge Stability jump after each mission "4k jump I assume".
  3. Overpriced Stability offers that pop up after every mission "Prices for me range from $24.99-$30" sometimes higher.
  4. The offers themselves aren't worth a penny.
  5. Marcus's Plane Marathon doesn't even grant enough Stability Points.
  6. The Stability Marathon itself gave out multiple 150 Points but they're far from being "enough".

To me, restricting impossible difficulty, huge Stability gap and Stability offers popping up after completing each mission is a huge giveaway that it's a marketing strategy that surprisingly is working out as seen by players PURCHASING them to complete the story. Kudos to Nekki I guess.

  • I'm fully aware the game is Free to Play.
  • I'm fully aware the game is on mobile.
  • I'm fully aware it's not Pay to Win.
  • I'm fully aware the developers need to make money somehow.

But that doesn't justify what they did!

  • The way it was executed was terrible.
  • It feels greedy.
  • It feels like they don't listen to the community.
  • I can't be the only one fed up with 12-16 offers popping up on the menu everytime, I had my game crash once from it.
  • It lags the game to the point where I lose interest and leave.
  • To those saying "Go to the Special Offers section to stop them from popping up" It doesn't work cause as soon as I go back to the main menu an offer pops up.

A friendly REMINDER:

This isn't me sending hate to the devs.

I love them from the bottom of my heart and I poured hundreds of dollars into this game just because I wanna support them.

It's depressing seeing a game I love take this path and if they decide to stay on it, i'm afraid i'll have to stop supporting them which obviously doesn't matter to them but does matter to me.

I'll consider this also as venting and since now I have removed the pain off my chest, I can finally cry myself to sle...

Keep Fighting!