Where can I go to school?
Hello all,
Does anyone have experience attending in-person college classes at a university? I have applied and been accepted to multiple schools in the state (Washington), and had my admission revoked weeks before starting classes. To be clear, nothing in my conditions prohibit me from attending in person classes. My therapist and probation officer both agree that it would be good for me to have more contact with people, and college-aged people isn't a risk factor for me.
I am 31 years old and currently working programming embedded systems (i.e. writing code for things that are not computers). I have significant college experience from before I was arrested. I feel under-credentialed for the work I am doing, and world love to learn more about programming and electronics.
For additional context: I have a hands-on offense against young minors. I have discussed attending college with my probation officer, along with the possibility that I may share a class with running-start students. It was agreed that simply being in a class with 16-17 year old students wouldn't be an issue as long as I took steps to minimize direct contact with the minors.
Unfortunately, the universities I applied to have determined that I would only be eligible for online classes, and they do not offer Computer Engineering as an online program.
Does anyone know of colleges/universities that offer 4 year bachelor's degrees in Computer Engineering for level 2 SO's in states that are friendly-ish towards SO's?