Semen retention and what i experienced
I started not fapping since the spring of 2023. I was like many of us, a fapper. Every day i did it once or sometimes twice. Didn´t think about consequences or the bad luck that came after.
What I experienced when doing PMO:
after "doing it" you just do want to do nothing
My mind gets foggy
Always tired. I used to sneak into my bed after coming home from work/school/university
Somestimes when I spoke, my mind would go blank
I noticed on my ID picture that my hair looked short, hairloss.
I had pain on my knees
What I experienced when I didn´t fap:
Mind was clear
Vivid dreams!
The shame left
Children gravitating towards you! I thought I was kidding but I had 3 kids smilling and waving at me which really warmed my heart.
Still had energy in my tank while running outside
Seing 11:11 all the time
Extreme hard crying spell. I have never cried like this in years.
Aggression. Not sure about this but the aggression came back. I missed that aggression. In my pmo era I always stayed quiet and tried to act "unbothered" by any disrespect that they threw to me.