Appreciation of tolerance and acceptance for a CF life
I think we all agree that this place, void of negative outlooks such as homophobia and racism is amazing. We should all strive to make reality so tolerant and kind. Though one thing that I don’t see mentioned often enough and deserves just as much appreciation is the acceptance of Davids desire and choice to live a child free existence. No judgement or pressure for him to change his mind. Child free people exist and we are not broken or wrong in our decision. We need far more representation in media. There is nothing that annoys me more in tv and movies than taking a character that has been outspoken about their intention to remain child free and then bam, the writers make them a parent. Worse, is that they are almost always happy with this outcome. That is not how it works. People that do not want children very rarely change their minds. People literally end relationships/marriages over it. We CF people deserve to have our feelings and choices respected so much more than we do. Seeing the acceptance in SC was such a wonderful feeling. I hope more shows start allowing child free people to just exist as they are.