is this something to write in the additional information section when sending my application to brown?

When I took my practice SAT on collegeboard I got a 1500 legit the day before, but on the actual I got a 1350. I was already tierd because I had been nosebleeding for 1-2 hours a day daily for a months. Yup, I am not even exagerating. Throughout that month I went to the doctor's office 4 times and I eventually had a nose cauterization the week right after i took my SAT. On the test day I was woken up by a nosebleed 1 hour before my normal wake up time and it lasted for 1.5 hours so I could not even eat breakfast. I went to the doctors office the day after again. I have documentation of all of the doctor appointments and the procedure. Is that something to excuse my bad SAT? I have 42 IB which makes me a competitive candidate but a 1350 is pretty bad.

Note that this was the december test, I live in Norway so the tests are pretty infrequent. For my August and Ocotber tests (the other ones that were available) my testing center did not have any accomondations available. I am dyslexic so I scored a 540 on my reading section in october because I did not get to finnish.