Struggling to Teach My Iron Friend ADC (Samira) as a Master Player - Need Advice
Hi all, I'm a Master player trying to teach my Iron-level friend ADC (Samira). He played Vi jungle in Silver before switching to ADC, and my advice has been simple: play a lot, build muscle memory, and focus on basics since Samira is a hard champ. However, he’s really struggling with CS, positioning, E usage, and knowing when to engage or recall.
When we duo, I play Nautilus and try to shotcall, but we often die because he doesn’t execute mechanics, panics, etc. I'm wondering if I'm doing right things, forcing him into scenarios that have potential wins, or overwhelming him with too much info? Should I just let him play and learn naturally?
TL;DR: I’m a Master player trying to teach my Iron friend Samira. He struggles with basics like CS, trading and positioning. Should I let him play and learn through mistakes, or focus on something specific to help him improve?