Looking for a nature-centered, progressive, artsy town!
My boyfriend and I currently live in the USVI. I grew up in the caribbean and he’s from New Hampshire. I want to move somewhere stateside that has a progressive, nature/art loving feel to it. My current town has a very tight knit, everyone takes care of everyone feel to it and I value that a lot.
Doesn’t necessarily have to be a college town or young crowd. I loved visiting Ashland and Portland OR when I was younger but they’ve gotten much more expensive, overcrowded, and are generally less authentic than they used to be. I have family that lives near Woodstock and I’ve largely enjoyed that vibe too but Woodstock has its own problems haha.
My main points of interest is somewhere woodsy with MOUNTAINS, swimming holes, waterfalls, hiking trails etc. I would love living close to a national park! I’m a bartender and my boyfriend does bar/kitchen/landscaping so somewhere that we could benefit from a tourist season/substantial food industry is also important.