Matchmaking sux but what else is new?

I finally grinded up to S rank and then right around Christmas I hit a new low. Nearly every match I played in anarchy was a loss whether it was series or open and whether or not I played with friends. Today I decided I can’t take being in the negatives for any longer than I already have. I went from -200 to -50 back down to -200 at one point. I reset my rank and it takes me to B-? I decide f-ck it, cuz I was clearly doing bad before and now I’m on an unbelievable winning streak and I feel like the oldest kid on the playground who’s beating every little kid at the playground games. This feels ridiculous and a bit unfair but I guess I’m not losing anymore 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ Edit: 30 mins after I made this post I’ve already ranked up this feels like cyber bullying 💀 it’s bad enough I treat turf war like a “practice” mode