106 is the worst SCP in the game

Every scp has a innate speed boost that help,

-173 has breakneck speed to help catch up to humans

-939 has sprint

-049 has his focus ability to speed him up

-096 has his rage (it’s his whole feature)

-079 doesn’t have legs so it makes sense

-106…. Nothing.

He has to touch people to get speed up and you have the boost or use the teleport for a *slight* boost out of it, and smart players will just be able to see that he teleports or go under and watch the floor. Now he did get a buff with the heavy update, but the buffs are WAY to little for anything, if these buffs were to happen on old heavy then he would be one of the best hands down, but with how WIIIIIIIDE new heavy is all he gets to do is waddle down the hallway while 15 MTFs fry his ass. Now people will disagree with me and that’s fine these are my opinions but in my personal opinion 106 is the worst scp in the game, but 096 is a close second for worst scp, they’re both really bad solo but 096 can deal with big groups and 106 cannot so that’s why I rank him lowest

My list:1.939 2.049 3.173 4.096 5.106

(I exclude 079 because it’s very player dependent, he can either be the best or the worst) Thank you for listening to my Ted talk