Do you REALLY want it? 🦋
If there is one thing I have experienced myself AND seen A LOT OF - it’s the dying out of enthusiasm after an energetic start.
You say - “I will give this my best.” and yet your efforts seldom reflect that. Am I right?
Listen, there is no power on earth that can stop you from getting what you want IF ONLY YOU WOULD COMMIT TO IT. Similarly, there is no power on heaven and earth that can help you realise your dreams until YOU YOURSELF GIVE IT YOUR ALL.
And giving your all means NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS - YOU STILL DO IT. Don’t keep anything as a back up plan. Just put YOUR ALL INTO THIS ONE THING THAT YOU ARE DOING.
That’s more that enough.
But will you?
I see so many of you wandering around - asking the same questions over and over again. From different people. In different subs. You do realise that all this does is CONFUSE YOU TO THE POINT OF INACTION, RIGHT?
Asking same question a thousand times does NOT change it’s answer - you are still going to have to put in at least SOME LEVEL OF EFFORT.
You give up just because ”it seems too difficult.”
Well, ask yourself - is it more difficult than being stuck in a place you don’t want to be? Is it more difficult than having to look at yourself in the mirror and seeing the same stuck up person from a year ago?
Isn’t your desire worth 100% of your efforts?
Well, if it is then STOP CHEATING WITH YOURSELF. Just stop it.
Commit to something, man! Or else you will miss the mark. And that’s the greatest sin of them all.
Remember - that little brain in there? It’s a sly thing, I am telling you. It will present to you a thousand different reasons to quit. But during those moments, you just gotta stare it down and say -
”We ARE doing this, so SHUT THE FUCK UP. It’s my way or the highway, ya little fucker.”
And watch it submit to YOUR will.
Don’t let the enthusiasm die or you’ll regret it. 😘