Welcome Wednesday - new here? Have a question? Come say hello!
Welcome to r/RomanceBooks!
If you're new here, please say hello - tell us if you've been reading for years or you're a romance newbie, your favorite trope, anything you'd like. If you have a question about how the sub works or how to find something, ask away!
- We've got an AMA coming up on Sunday for Mina Esguerra - here's a recent gush post with some more info about her Chic Manila series
- Thank you for all of the nominations for the Best Of list for the sub's wiki! Look for the voting post to go up on Monday.
Anything you're wondering? Comment below if you have questions you don't want to make a post about. We love romance, and we're all about helping people find the best books for them.
If you'd rather hunt for the answer yourself, check out our awesome wiki, or there's lots of information in our sidebar or menu buttons at the top of the sub.