Beginner anxiety

Went on a skating date (bad idea for me) haven’t skated since I was a kid (I’m 24f)

I clung to the railing for two loops before having to get off to have a panic attack. My date (partner of 5 years) struggled at first but took to it pretty well enough to keep up with everyone else

I kept getting back on doing two laps then off to have a panic attack- by lap 8 or so I was able to let go for a little but as soon as someone whizzed past I’d freak out and need the railing again.

Basically I’m asking for any all pieces of advice- I watched others footwork and tried to replicate it but spent the whole time in terror and frustration and awe- my partner said it’s all about confidence which I get I didn’t have but I couldn’t replicate what they were doing

Thank you, from someone who wants to skate and get better but has a mental block