Switched From KMB To Controller, What To Do Now?

(mmm yes I totally play kbm, it's actually a keyboard but my mouse is in the middle and I have to move the entire keyboard across the desk to move my mouse)

So I finally decided to make the switch since I figured I only had a coupple dozen hours in the game (around plat 1) and really didn't have much to lose for the benifits of playing with a controller.

I obvouslly expected to be nowhere near as (not so) good as I was with KBM, my ground play seems to not be affected too much, but I'm now compleatlly useless in the air compared to how I was fairlly decent (again as a plat 1 so still probablly bad) when I was on KBM. Like I'll be in freeplay and hit the defend shot after kickoff and miss it most times.

Right now I'm probablly just going to keep playing in freeplay and just hit the ball around, but I have no clue where to start with aerial car controll (and my ground controll kinda sucks too).

(also is binding air roll right to 'o' acceptable? I'm using gyro's binds and can't hit x and o to jump and boost so I have boost on r1)