Update resume

Hello everyone I need some advice on how to update my resume. I haven’t work since 2021 and I have only had 5 jobs. The first job I stayed about a week (I left because I was in a car accident) and second job I stayed about 3 months(I actually got fired). In my third job I stayed for a week (it was agreed i was going to do full time and instead only did part time) and in my 4 th job i stayed about 1-2 month(i left because i found out i was pregnant and far along). My last final job I stayed about 2 year which is babysitting for a family of 3. I ended up leaving because there older child was already big enough to take care of the younger siblings. I wanted to update my resume because I can’t find job and a manger advise me that once they see if have a month in one place they won’t consider me no more. I regret leaving jobs so soon I think really think much about it but now I have a hard time finding a job. I’m also currently a college student