What's a random life hack you learnt from an older resident? (Light conversation. Nothing serious.)
Low key question here. Nothing specifically medical. Just some light hearted Saturday, chat.
One thing I learned from an older resident was this:
Always put away your wedding ring before-hand when doing slippery work, and to generally always be mindful of where your wedding ring is.
I met an older resident during my surgery rotation who confessed to me that he lost his wedding ring twice.
Once when he was about to scrub in, and he took it out just before he washed his hands...and it slipped and fell into the handwashing sink.
The next time, he was washing something in his apartment (laundry? Cooking?) And it slipped into the kitchen sink.
He said the second time it happened, his wife was very upset.
For some reason, his story stuck with me, and from since then I make sure to always take off my wedding ring, long before I reach the operating theatre and secure it in a zipped pouch. Same thing if I am doing laundry or cleaning vegetables or any other kind of slippery work. And I always make sure I am not standing above a drainage hole when I take it off 😆. I never tamper with my wedding ring when standing above a sink, lol.
Last thing I want to do is call home and tell my wife that my ring fell off 🫨.