Which authentic bag(s) are you tempted to buy?

Think it’ll be fun to see which authentic brand and/or bag(s) you’re tempted to dish out the money for!

Since discovering reps, I don’t think I will buy another authentic YSL because they are repped extremely well by BF.

I‘ve wanted to get a Gucci Jackie for the longest time because it’s such an elegant, timeless bag. I went into the store today and was shocked and disappointed to find it was very uncomfortable on the shoulder and it didn’t look good as a crossbody either. And it’s something like $5700, which is just insane for a bag that doesn’t feel good on the body.

The one bag I’m very tempted to get is the new LV Boulogne in the crème Empreinte leather. I’ve been thinking about it ever since trying it on in-store. I love how it converts from a day bag to a chic evening bag with the chain. I would totally get it as a rep but I haven’t seen any 1:1 reps that match the same pattern size. So yeah, I think I might save up for this as my first LV!

Curious to hear about the bag that is tempting you!