Back to the rotation.

Well, it took 5 days for me to stop wearing my franken Batman exclusively. Was time to kick off the rotation again. Was real close to starting that with the Batgirl, but figured it was time for more of a change than that. 😂

Where to go after having one of the best franken reps possible on my wrist? Only one answer: One of the best reps under the sun: The Clean 60th Anniversary Platinum Daytona. This is such a great watch. Gen crystal and gen steel crown, but no desire to go anywhere else down the franken road with this. It’s just such a well-made watch.

Well, it took 5 days for me to stop wearing my franken Batman exclusively. Was time to kick off the rotation again. Was real close to starting that with the Batgirl, but figured it was time for more of a change than that. 😂

Where to go after having one of the best franken reps possible on my wrist? Only one answer: One of the best reps under the sun: The Clean 60th Anniversary Platinum Daytona. This is such a great watch. Gen crystal and gen steel crown, but no desire to go anywhere else down the franken road with this. It’s just such a well-made watch.