Buying a house without a realtor

We are buying a house in Virginia. Prices are about 2 million there. So a buyers agent 3% commission is 60k. Not sure if they can help me that much to pay 60k. So i am trying to figure out the detailed steps i need to make to make a purchase without a realtor.

From my understanding

1- i need to get pre approval 2- find a lawyer to write a contract/offer for me (do they also write the offer or just the contract?) 3- gather some documents including proof of funds, (any other documents?)

4- find the house on msl 5- contact the listing agent (can i find their number on the listing?) 6- see the house either on a open house or request the listing agent to show me 7- make an offer (is this informal or a formal letter? Any sample offer letter?) 8- ask the lawyer to write a contract 9- work with the listing agent to sign the contract, put some earnest money in a escrow (who finds the escrow?) 10- do the inspection and appraisal 11- let the bank to do their job and follow their instruction on title insurance and house insurance 12- show up at closing

Am i missing some steps?

Any resources to learn about all these steps?