How are these drivers stealing instant offers

Recently, our area has been overrun with this new crew of outsiders. These guys obviously have multiple accounts, and I understand that you cannot use a bot for an instant offer. Several of us have literally had our instant offers disappear, even after it’s captured into their phone and they walk in to start scanning, poof. The order is gone, and the next thing you know one of these outsiders will come in and steal the order. My question is what game are they playing or some next level BS? I have heard people mention that there is a script? Where they are able to use a computer and grab out of thin air someone else’s instant offer? Or just be able to receive the instant offer first. It’s very frustrating because we’re all a pretty cool group of guys who obviously are in competition with each other, but we’ve always been on the up and up. So how are these guys consistently getting first orders on an instant offer? I really just don’t understand It And is there a way we can combat this somehow? We’ve all tried to talk to the manager at the Whole Foods and he only cares about what happens inside the store not between us drivers. Edit-also how are these guys getting past the check in selfie?