If you agree with this statement stop calling yourself pro-life.

"We need to shoot them all; men, women, and children. Build the wall with their bodies to send a message to any others trying to come here."

I work in public transit and this was a rant from a passenger I had on board yesterday. He was also my only passenger at the time so I was the only person with ears he could unload that verbal diarrhea onto.

According to him if you're not born in America then you're nothing more than criminals and drug dealers. If you happen to be born with the wrong skin tone, you deserve to be shot and killed. It doesn't matter if you're 50 yrs old or 5. Your life is forfeit and your body becomes building material for their precious wall the instant you try to enter our country.

So, if you love to spend your Saturdays protesting outside of Walgreens and CVS because they dispense prescription medicine to women experiencing a miscarriage and you also agree with the above statement; stop lying to yourself already. You were never pro-life. Yes, I'm talking about you, MAGA.