Stolen bank card info and unreasonable purchase in the US
Guys, I would need your help on this. This strange, illogic thing happened to me.
I live in Hungary, in Budapest. I use my bank card for pretty much everything, I would say, I dont like cash. I had no problems so far, no one tried to steal my card neither to steal money from my bank account. Everytime I pay contact less, I do not buy from unknown websites, the only sites I buy things from are certified. (Like Steam) My google account remembers my card but if the purchase exceeds a limit, I would need to confirm the puchase via the bank's app. In general, I use my card safely, I have safety measures turned on, I am just enjoying the modern banking features! 😅
I have nothing to do in the USA, I have never been to the USA, never purchased anything from there, for me it is just at the other side of the world.
Last week, I woke up in one morning, checked my phone and an official message from my bank welcomed me, stating my card had been blocked due to suspicious purchase. I just jumped into my bank app, checked my account, no money was stolen but the card was blocked. It goes without saying, I called my bank, the agent told me, someone initiated a purchase in overseas for 15$ at StayWarmStayCool webshop. As my bank account has this safety feature that purchases outside of Europe are immediately blocked, this is how my money was not stolen. We went through the official proccess, they blocked my card for good and so on.
However, it got me thinking, what was that? I had not used my card for online purchase for 6 months. The last one was a Steam purchase. I did not download anything suspicious to my phone either. I do not use public Wifi (I have unlimited mobil data plan). The only suspicious thing I have done was paying contact less in Budapest at multiple places (shops, restaurants) in short succession during a nightout with my girlfriend BEFORE the actual American purchase.
This very American purchase was carried out at 04:17 am in Hungarian time so to me it was during the night but assuming this webshop is from California, for someone it was broad daylight. If someone wants to steal my money, why someone risks it by buying only for 15$ at a webshop? 😅 It was a "probe purchase" to see wether my card handles overseas purchases? Was it a pure coincidence?
Ever since, I got a new card with new PIN and everything, no new purchases were made even though I use this card as I did with the last one.