Handling new rats

Hi! My 10 year old got her first pair of female rats about 3 weeks ago, they were around 8 weeks old at the time. We’ve slowly introduced our hands into the cage, which they seem to tolerate but not enjoy. I’ve built a little shelf outside as a kind of feeding area for play time. They will get on to our hands if we lure them with malt paste, but generally quite skittish. I’ve had to pick one up when it climbed on top of the cage, scooped it with both hands and put it straight back inside and it absolutely SCREAMED at me.
I’ve heard it can take longer than we’ve given before they trust us enough to really make the most of play time, but I’m starting to become concerned we might be doing it wrong. I don’t really have a specific question unfortunately…. But what are we supposed to do lol

Sorry for the crap pictures, they don’t sit still much