Had a meeting with my boss to discuss my salary situation - then he turns it into a bashing session to get me off the idea of a salary increase
So I work for a small company (about 50 employees), company exists for about a decade, constantly growing (despite covid) and profits as well, YOY etc.
After working for the company for 5 years, without getting any raise, I decided to schedule a meeting with my boss to discuss my salary, I told him up front that I think that I deserve a pay raise.
So we meet, starting a small talk and then start talking about the topic, my boss literally tried to take the focus from my achievements, to why he "can not give me a raise" or something like "you already make pretty good income" and that he "don't make special treatments" and all employees either get a raise or nobody at all (a bunch of horse shit, that is).
Then he goes on and on about how we still did not reach our next target, and how me working "too slow" on a specific project might be a part of it, and that I must "do more", so that the company can grow more, so maybe later I can get my raise etc..
What a POS, the guy just built a new mansion for his family a year ago, got a luxurious mobile home to go along with it, a sport speedboat, new electric luxury SUVs for him self and wife etc..
I am pretty sure that this guy enjoys the fruit of the labor of all of his employees pretty good, I am also sure that every time the company grows, he get him self a massive pay increase and bigger dividends.. while he take home millions in salary, he cheaps out on giving one of his best performing employees a pay raise which will not even put a dent on the company's yearly budget, I wanted a 6% raise- in numbers that would have costed him less than the money he spent on replacing all desks in the office with new ones (stupid idea).
Then those people wonder why their employees stop going "above and beyond"