Can you really not use your phone?
I see so many posts about people talking about how they don’t understand how to use there phone at all while tripping. I’ve never had a trip where I’ve even really been kinda confused on how to use my phone.
For example if you had an emergency while tripping I think that most people would be able to use there phone despite whatever they say.
People also seem to think that just because they can’t function on certain doses that no one else should be able to. From my understanding trips are very subjective.
Personally on most doses I am able to lock in and do what needs to be done if it is important.
I get that tolerance also plays a big roll because I know people that don’t even know who they are off 1 tab. Even then they can still usually use there phone if you just give it to them.
Also this isn’t to say go on your phone while tripping. I don’t. I think it’s a waste. But if I need to text my friend I generally don’t have a problem.
tldr: Can you use your phone while tripping? I see a lot of different answers