Struggling for a year and looking for advice
I am 24M and have been experiencing symptoms that align with prostatitis/pelvic floor dysfunction for around a year. My primary symptom is urinary hesitancy- I have to basically psych myself out mentally in order to begin voiding. I also wake up in the middle of the night to pee, although this usually only happens once a night or so. On my more bad days, I have mild bladder pain as well. In addition I have numerous sexual symptoms such as reduced sex drive, painful erections/ejaculation, and reduced sensation.
I have seen numerous doctors and urologists and have received many different opinions. Initially, I was diagnosed with prostatitis and put on Bactrim, to which I saw no improvement with. A couple weeks later I began experiencing pain on one side of my bladder. Suspecting a possible kidney stone, the doctor ordered a CT scan. However, it wouldn't be for a few weeks. I was in so much pain I decided not to wait and have the scan done at the ER.
After having the CT scan done, the doctors confirmed that my symptoms appeared to match with chronic prostatitis. They took my off the Bactrim and started me on Cipro and Flomax. I had negative reactions to both of these drugs and stopped taking them on my PCP's orders.
I saw a urologist late last year who dismissed the idea of me having prostatitis and claimed I was just constipated, which was interfering with my urine flow. (I could have told him I was backed up, the appointment was in the morning when I usually have my bowel movements but didn't have the chance to yet.) I saw different urologist earlier this year who told me that prostatitis can't be diagnosed through a CT scan. He suspected I might have a urethral stricture, due to previous surgeries I'd had for a hypospadias repair as a child. He ordered a cystoscopy for me which I am returning to his office for this week.
Another thing to note: The results of my CT scan showed "heterogeneous enhancement of the prostate and seminal vesicles." What does this mean? None of my doctors have acknowledged this during my visits.
Have any of you had similar experiences to mine? If so, what works best for you? I am posting this here because I am beginning to feel desperate for answers and don't feel like I am finding them from my doctors. And to be honest, I am quite nervous about having the cystoscopy done. I have never had one done before and it sounds awful.
And one last thing: Is it worth looking into pelvic floor therapy for this? After reading up on pelvic floor issues, I thought this might be a viable option. However, my PCP dismissed the idea, saying that typically affects women more than men.
If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading this, I know it is a lot. I would greatly appreciate any answers to my questions and any advice on what I should do going forward.
Update: Thank you all for your advice, I appreciate it very much. The cystoscopy was unpleasant but quick, and the doctor found multiple urethral strictures. I am waiting on a referral to a surgeon to discuss the next steps.