December Gacha Roll Thread: A Ringing Bell and a Freezing Scarf
Welcome to the Gacha Roll Thread, where crystals become fodder for the Waiting Room! Feel free to boast about or lament your luck at the hands of the Gacha gods here! How many crystals have you sacrificed?
Want to include a screenshot as proof and can't use the comment image feature? Follow these steps:
Step 1: Take a screenshot of your pulls or screen.
Step 2: Upload your screenshots to an image-hosting website like Imgur or Google Drive.
Step 3: Share the link along with your comment and flex!
When posting, please note which server you're playing on before your results to help prevent confusion regarding card availability. After all, pulls from all servers are welcome here! Additionally, please note that the information displayed here about current Gachas will be limited to the Japanese and English releases of the game. For information regarding the Gachas of alternative non-Japanese servers, please check the appropriate official news channels such as the Korean Twitter or Taiwanese website. If the information displayed in this post is incorrect, please notify me and I shall have it updated appropriately.
If you notice that someone has made a post showing off their rolls or similar outside of this thread, please politely direct them here. Otherwise, report their post and a Mod will take it down. Any feedback is appreciated, and this Megathread will be updated on a monthly basis.
Happy gambling!
Current JP Gacha: Resplendant Recollection ('Unfading wishing' Event Gacha)
The cards featured in this LIMITED Gacha are:
4* ~Unexpected Farewell Gift~ Shinonome Akito [LIMITED]
Skill: First Test of Luck in The New Year - Score increased by 120% for 5 seconds)
4* ~Matching Hairstyles ♥︎~ Momoi Airi [LIMITED]
Skill: Burning Spirit of a Variety Idol - BADs and higher become PERFECTs for 7 seconds, and Score increased by 100% for 5 seconds)
4* ~Someone Who's Even Good at Juggling!~ KAITO (MORE MORE JUMP!) [LIMITED]
(Skill: KAITO's Special Lesson - Score increased by 100% for 5 seconds. Score additionally increased by 10% for every MORE MORE JUMP! member excluding themselves, and an additional 10% if all members are of the same unit, to a maximum of 150%)
Current EN Gacha: Enchanting Flowers in Full Bloom for the New Year Gacha ('Next to The Unchanging Warmth' Event Gacha)
The cards featured in this LIMITED Gacha are:
4* ~Encouraged by Kindness~ Mizuki Akiyama [LIMITED]
Skill: Our Good Luck Charm - 500 Life Recovery and Score increased by 100% for 5 seconds)
4* ~With Slight Embarassment~ Shiho Hinomori [LIMITED]
(Skill: New Year's Resolution - Score increased by 120% for 5 seconds)
4* ~Teach Me, Shiho-Sensei!~ MEIKO (Leo/need) [LIMITED]
(Skill: Secret Special Training? - Score increased by 100% for 5 seconds. Score additionally increased by 10% for every Leo/need member excluding themselves, and an additional 10% if all members are of the same unit, to a maximum of 150% )