Trying to read “traditional” fantasy

I tried reading the way of kings and Mistborn but I never really understood the appeal of the books and why people seem to love them so much. Unlike progression fantasy novels which I think presents a straightforward idea of how I can derive enjoyment out of the novel, I don’t know what the main draw for reading “traditional” fantasy novels are. Despite this I really want to get in to reading them.

Progression fantasy novels I like include - matabar - lord of the mysteries - Reverend insanity - virtuous sons

Edit: after reading through a lot of the comments I have realized that I may have phrased stuff in the wrong way. When I say progression fantasy novels I was thinking in my head stuff like matabar, lord of the mysteries or Reverend insanity instead of the typical lit-rpg/system stuff that gets pumped out. So I guess instead of progression fantasy novels I should have just said web novels instead.