Do students ever blame you for registration?

I got an email from a student in early December trying to add to a course that needed a pre-req. I told them that was fine and they had my permission, they just needed to contact the registrar and start that process. There was one sest open.

Got an email from the student asking me to change the course cap because the registrar "finally answered" their email. In my reply I left out the fact that I've gotten replies from the registrar's office a couple of times since then so I know they aren't "out of the office" as the student claimed. But I did say this course has field trips (it's a field bio course) and so we have to be limited by our transportation capabilities.

Now the student is upset that I won't just let them take the course and that they might need to stay an extra semester. Anyone ever have students blame them for things like this? Actually just curious.